Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lewiston Clarke

Ok, so it is looking like I am actually going to have all my lines down before we open in 2 weeks. Woof, but it seems that I am either getting better at memorizing or I don't have as many lines as before. I choose the former.

It's a rainy spooty kind of day over here. Actually it's night, so why whine. I guess that is what we get for living in a rain forest. I hope it stops by this weekend so I can get a round of golf in. It's been so long that my clubs seem to have become melded into my bag. On the bright side- No chance in losing balls.

Well, it was a long boring day. Work sucked (actually it is the environment that sux) but I got to come home to a loving wife and a house full of cats, a dog and a fish. Life is Grand!!!

Tomorrow, the first of many Dr's appointments to finally fix all my ailments. It is finally time to get my back and nose fixed (again). Oh, I'll probably call the VA again and see what the scoop is on my disability. I'm thinking a year and a half is long enough to figure me out. We shall see.

Gonna email Brother Bill as well. I'm going to see if he wants to move out here with us. He needs to get away from the leeches in WB and clean himself up (alcoholically). He is 41 and it is time for him to kick that crap. Nuff said. He is a nice guy but way messed up by booze. My fingers are crossed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Your wife must love you.

Your Wife

7:03 AM  

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