Tuesday, May 31, 2005


You know, Cereal is just not for breakfast anymore. My friend Mike turned me on to the late night joys of the Jethro sized bowl of sugary goodness, while in isolated Alaska. We would eat bowls the size of soup turreens, seconds even. We could chow down a box of Lucky Charms in one sitting (2 bowls).

Now my vice is Malt O' Meal Cocoa Krispies (or whatever name they use to get away from copyright infringement). I can wolf down a bag of these in 3 servings, depending on the size the bowl I have handy. Right now I have a medium sized tupperware bowl, spewing with cereal. Got a 1/3 of a bag into it. The last 1/3rd. So, If I am lucky, I may have enough milk leftover to crack the fresh bag. We shall see...

Check it out, choose your poison. Most cereals will work, other than those healthy ones (Granola, Bran Chex, yuk!!!). The more sugar the better.

Monday, May 30, 2005


The show is over- *sniff* "Lewis and Clark" is now history and the wait begins for my next theater experience.

The show went well. Other than the one audience, we had full houses and very energetic houses. They loved us!!!

The sketches that won (in order of 1st-3rd):

Directions (Casey, Shannon and Clark)
Hollywood (Full Cast)
Discovery Cafe (Shannon, Clark and Lori)

I would like to work with most of the cast again. We had a lively bunch, but one who was not so team oriented. Grrr!!! Oh well. Don't have to hang around him anymore.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Audiencis Cadaverii

Holy Crap!!! The death bell tolled for the 30 stiffs that made up our audience tonight. I've seen more life in a bar of soap than in the walking seat covers that came out to see our show. Luckily it was so lizard sweating hot onstage (and off) that our imitation pleather buckskins started looking like mummified pork rinds.

So, other than that, the show was flat. We had no energy whatsoever and were unable to feed off ourselves or the audience. It was sad!!! Tomorrow and Saturday's shows will be much better. But hey, I had all my lines- so Woo Hoo!!!

Most of the backstage banter was about the upcoming Goonies anniversary (20 years) and the showing of the film locally(with a guest appearance by a very svelt Chunk). More to follow on this.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


This is it- the last weekend of "Simple Salmon Discovers Lewis and Clark".

The show has been quite the success. We have sold out almost every show and the audiences have loved us!!! They have even laughed at the sketches that are extremely bad (some so bad that I have to brush my teeth with a cat turd, to wash away the filth of my lines).

So far, Directions (all directions have Lewis and Clark somewhere within it- i.e., Lewis and Clark Bridge, Lewis and Clark River, Lewis and Clark Road, you get the idea) is leading the way, with Discovery Cafe (2 folks at a restaurant that serves authentic L&C meals (spoiled salmon, boiled onions, river water) coming in a close 2nd. All of the sketches have been written by local folks.

We kick off this last week, tomorrow night. I am looking forward to this. Being out there and listening to the audience laugh, is pretty awesome. I hope I remember all my lines (9 sketches worth of them- out of 16 sketches). Let me tell you, when you drop a line (forget it) 5 seconds can seem like 5 hours. That silence can freak you out and loosen sphincters. Woof!!!

Speaking of loose sphincters, I was quite the Onion out on the golf course this afternoon. Peeling back that sucker, I found layer after layer of suck waiting for me. I am usually a pretty mediocre golfer, but after almost 2 months of not golfing (I have blown another disk out in my back- feels like I've been kicked in the ole "beanbag" all the time!!!) I was not able to keep the ball in the fairway, shoot straight, chip, drive, etc. I was putting consistently though. Oh, and I lost 6 or 7 balls and found 1. How Pa-thay-tick!!! I must continue though, cause me and some friends are playing in a best ball tournament next month (in Coos Bay, Or). Oh joy...

That's it. The Goddess is now home from her trip to CA and boy howdy am I happy. Now I get to sleep in while she drags the dog outside at 5am- Woo Hoo!!! She rocks!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Ok, so the first weekend of Simple Salmon Discovers Lewis and Clark is in the can. Boy howdy am I glad!!!

First off, the show is ok. The cast is excellent (for the most part), the audiences great!!! We have had pretty stellar numbers for the 1st 2 shows. Sold out (92 seats) on Friday and then 60+ on Saturday. Hopefully those numbers will stay and people will come out and see us.

My review: Woof!!! Could I be any more creative when blowing a line: "I am not hanging out with ya'll". I forget when Lewis told that to Clark. Geez!!! I'm going to blame that on the pain and the humidity. Only 4000 plus degrees under the buckskins!.

We have gotten some suprises from the sketch votes. Seems the ones we dislike the most, the audience has loved. More to follow on Sketches and breakdowns.

Ok, so this has been a vert vague blog. Must keep it this way to keep you guessing. More to follow...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lewiston Clarke

Ok, so it is looking like I am actually going to have all my lines down before we open in 2 weeks. Woof, but it seems that I am either getting better at memorizing or I don't have as many lines as before. I choose the former.

It's a rainy spooty kind of day over here. Actually it's night, so why whine. I guess that is what we get for living in a rain forest. I hope it stops by this weekend so I can get a round of golf in. It's been so long that my clubs seem to have become melded into my bag. On the bright side- No chance in losing balls.

Well, it was a long boring day. Work sucked (actually it is the environment that sux) but I got to come home to a loving wife and a house full of cats, a dog and a fish. Life is Grand!!!

Tomorrow, the first of many Dr's appointments to finally fix all my ailments. It is finally time to get my back and nose fixed (again). Oh, I'll probably call the VA again and see what the scoop is on my disability. I'm thinking a year and a half is long enough to figure me out. We shall see.

Gonna email Brother Bill as well. I'm going to see if he wants to move out here with us. He needs to get away from the leeches in WB and clean himself up (alcoholically). He is 41 and it is time for him to kick that crap. Nuff said. He is a nice guy but way messed up by booze. My fingers are crossed.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Ok, so tonight begins the long 2 weeks building up to our opening on the 15th. I am in a play called "Simple Salmon Discovers Lewis and Clark". Seeing as Astoria was the destination for Lewis and Clark, we are capitalizing on it. It will be going on at The River Theater, here in Astoria.

This play is basically a bunch of short sketches, written by locals, strung together by the Lewis and Clark theme. I get to play both Lewis and Clark, Thomas Jefferson and Seaman (the dog). It should be an intersting run. So, if you are in the area, come on down and see it. It will run for the last 3 weekends of May.

That's about all for now. I sure do hope I remember all my lines (unlike previous years where I only got my lines down on closing night.

The First

Ok, so this is my first blog. Numero Uno. I've read a ton of blogs and decided, what the hell- I can do this!!! Does this mean I have something to say? Nope. Just wanted a way to keep friends and family in touch with what I've been up to. Blah blah blah.

Later on, I will be posting some of my favorite things. Music, movies, books, food (recipes), etc.

But for now, this is it... More to follow.